Geology Of Washington

Geology of Washington (GEOL 101) is a General Education course taught frequently at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. Nick Zentner (CWU Geology) teaches the course every Fall and Winter quarters in CWU's Science II Building, room 103. And the course is always open to the general public for free!

The main goal of the course? Provide plenty of GEOL 101 content....but with a purpose. Geology is best learned with regular application to real places. For Zentner's GEOL 101 section, basic geology content is taught - and then regularly applied to the state of Washington. Since most of CWU students are from Washington, there is ample opportunity to for students to connect new geology ideas to scenes familiar to them across the region.

Curious about the volcanoes of Washington? This course is for you. Earthquakes, glaciers, flooding, mountains, deserts, Ice Age floods, etc. We have it all in Washington - and GEOL 101 helps you appreciate all of the exciting and sometimes dangerous aspects of the Geology of Washington!

The Great State of Washington!  (Hackett map)